1. Lets Define Your Goals

Lets start by clarifying your website's purpose. What do you want to achieve?

The focus is on understanding your unique needs and objectives. This involves engaging in thorough consultations to gain insights into your business, target audience, and specific goals for your website. Key requirements and functionalities are identified during this phase, laying the foundation for the project. This step is crucial for establishing a clear vision of the website's purpose and scope. Once expectations are well-defined, we create a plan that outlines the project timeline, milestones, and budget considerations. Effective communication and collaboration during this stage set the groundwork for a successful website development process, ensuring that the end product aligns with the vision and objective.

2. Design & Content Planning

We logically determine which pages need to exist to meet your objectives.

Visual and functional aspects of the website take shape. This process begins with wire-framing, a basic layout is sketched to visualize the structural elements and overall flow of each page. Mock-ups and prototypes showcase the aesthetics and user interface design, allowing you to visualize the look and feel of the final product. Simultaneously, content selection and planning play a crucial role, involving the identification and organization of textual and visual elements that will populate the website. This phase ensures that the chosen design not only aligns with the client's brand and objectives but also accommodates the selected content seamlessly. By involving the client in the review and approval of the design and content elements, any necessary adjustments can be made early in the process, setting the stage for a cohesive and visually appealing website.

3.Development & Testing

Build the user interface and develop the server-side functionality of your site.

In the Development phase, the website begins to take tangible form as the frontend and backend components are constructed. Front-end development involves building the user interface using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring a visually appealing and interactive experience. Simultaneously, backend development focuses on server-side functionalities, database integration, and the underlying logic that powers the website's functionality. Content integration is a key aspect during this stage, where the client's content—text, images, and multimedia elements—is incorporated into the design, enriching the user experience. Following development, the Testing phase ensues, where rigorous quality assurance checks are conducted to identify and rectify any issues. This phase includes compatibility testing across various browsers and devices to guarantee a seamless user experience and adherence to the project's initial requirements.

Deployment, Support & Maintenance

Training, Launching and Helping You Along the Way

In the Deployment phase, the website is ready to go live, and your website is deployed it to a web server, making it accessible to users across the internet. This stage includes configuring domain settings, ensuring a smooth transition from the development environment to the public domain. Following the launch, the Training and Handover phase involves providing you with necessary guidance and instruction on managing and updating your site. This may include tutorials on content management systems or other relevant tools. Outlining the website's features and functionalities for your internal reference. The final steps involve ongoing Maintenance and Support, we happily offer post-launch support to address any issues or inquiries. Regular updates and support ensure the website remains secure, up-to-date, and aligned with your evolving needs, contributing to a successful and sustainable online presence.

Website - Tier 1


Website for Individuals or Small Businesses

5 Custom Page Templates
1 Custom Post Type
Custom Theme Development
Custom Administrative Fields
Wordpress CMS
Mobile Responsive Design
SASS Preprocessing
Contact Forms
Vector Graphics & Animations
Staff / Personnel Admin
Technical Search Optimization (SEO)
Organic Search Optimization (SEO)
Local SEO Optimization (SEO)
Google Business Map
Google Analytics Integration

Website - Tier 2


Website for Mid-Sized Businesses

10 Custom Page Templates
3 Custom Post Types
Custom Theme Development
Custom Administrative Fields
Wordpress CMS
Landing Page Templates
Mobile Responsive Design
SASS Preprocessing
Contact Forms
Vector Graphics & Animations
Staff / Personnel Admin
Technical Search Optimization (SEO)
Organic Search Optimization (SEO)
Local SEO Optimization (SEO)
Google Business Map
Google Analytics Integration

Website - Tier 3


Website for Large Businesses

15+ Custom Page Templates
6 Custom Post Types
Custom Theme Development
Custom Administrative Fields
Wordpress CMS
Shopify CMS
Laravel CMS
Landing Page Templates
Mobile Responsive Design
Contact Forms
Custom Development
Vector Graphics & Animations
SASS Preprocessing
Google Analytics
Branding Page Template
Lets Get Started.

Based in Charlotte, NC, Creative Mantle's goal is to offer clear, well-crafted digital solutions for business owners and individuals seeking professional digital services.

We provide services for small businesses and clients in various sectors, including Commercial Services, Legal Specialists, Financial Agencies, Insurance Agents, Retail, Specialized Labor, and Enterprise Companies.

Business Hours:

Mon: 9AM-4PM EST
Tues: 9AM-4PM EST
Wed: 9AM-4PM EST