A Specialized Business

Built different, on purpose.

Creative Mantle is an independently operated boutique web design and development business, offering years of experience without the high costs and expenses typically associated with traditional marketing firms/agencies.

Brand Origin

Flexible & Focused

The name “Creative Mantle” was drawn from the unique qualities Octopuses have, primarily their ability to change color and texture in order to suit their surroundings to achieve a specific intended purpose.

Targeted Development

Clear Solution Oriented Design

Creative Mantle’s goal is to offer clear, well-crafted, digital offerings, for business owners and individuals that are seeking professional solutions.

It’s Storytime.

The Beginning…

A professional developer and designer’s perspective. Allow me to share some serious truths with you.

After years of working for marketing firms and development agencies, I came to a simple realization. Many agencies promise a lot but often fall short, failing to achieve a straightforward objective. What’s the objective? A small business owner walks in seeking help; they need a website or marketing collateral (Logo, Banners, E-Blast, Flyers, etc.). Seems pretty straightforward, right?

However, they often leave the agency with a bill ranging from $9k to $12k. Shockingly, if a PPC Google or Facebook campaign is involved, that significant bill is just for a single month (YIKES). Yes, they may receive more leads (since they’re paying for each one), but how long can a small business sustain such a marketing budget? Did they want or need all that? Often, the real answer is NO. Remember, the objective was simple; they just wanted a website and perhaps some designed collateral.

So, where did things go wrong?

Here are some common culprits:

  • A large agency with an even larger overhead.
  • Others engage in disingenuous business dealings.
  • Many outsource various parts of development or design abroad, lacking internal control of project scope.
  • Some send the work they promised you to a “White Label Agency.”
  • Others promise the moon and stars in terms of SEO but struggle to find actual specialists.
  • Some blatantly charge more just because they know you make more than others.

After reading that list, you might be thinking, “Whoa. That’s not right.” Well, I wholeheartedly agree. Frankly, it’s completely messed up. To put it into perspective, imagine doing loads of research, choosing the specialist you want, and then being charged five times the actual job’s price. It’s a breach of trust.

Having clarity is crucial when making a business decision.

How am I so sure this happens? Why do I know all this?

Because I’ve worked for those agencies in the past; I was the guy they’d call to get the client’s expected work “done.” I’ve seen things that pushed me to leave those agencies, and it’s simple: they go against my moral alignment.


Tech We Use to Keep Life Simple & Happy.
"It is always the simple that produces the marvelous." - Amelia Barr

Based in Charlotte, NC, Creative Mantle's goal is to offer clear, well-crafted digital solutions for business owners and individuals seeking professional digital services.

We provide services for small businesses and clients in various sectors, including Commercial Services, Legal Specialists, Financial Agencies, Insurance Agents, Retail, Specialized Labor, and Enterprise Companies.

Business Hours:

Mon: 9AM-4PM EST
Tues: 9AM-4PM EST
Wed: 9AM-4PM EST