
A solid hosting platform is the backbone of a seamless online website experience.

Different types of websites (e.g., static, dynamic, e-commerce) may have varying hosting requirements. It is wise to determine your internal budget for hosting services. This will help narrow down the options and find a solution that meets your needs without exceeding your financial limits. Some businesses require a higher degree of maintenance or content input that others. Some clients have less internal staff resources or prefer to have someone with the technical expertise handle their site, each businesses is unique. We're happy to provide honest suggestions based on your personal needs and limitations, everyone is different and we aim to address that.

Website Maintenance

Regular maintenance is a vital aspect of managing a successful online presence.

Routine maintenance includes activities such as checking for and applying software updates, ensuring compatibility with the latest web standards, and monitoring website performance. Addressing potential broken links, updating content, and refreshing design elements are also part of the maintenance process to provide visitors with relevant and engaging experiences. Regular backups are essential for safeguarding against data loss, and security measures should be consistently reviewed and enhanced to protect against potential cyber threats. Website maintenance not only improves user experience but also contributes to search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, as search algorithms favor well-maintained, secure, and up-to-date websites.

What Typically Happens

You are taking care of a client or your business and someone informs you that they sent you a message that you failed to receive. Your email is working but you finally notice that your website is down. So you call the “hosting company” and after a healthy waiting period the final conclusion is: “there is just something wrong with your site” sadly they don’t handle site issues they only provide hosting, now what?. Or worse, they tell you that the marketing team never setup your site correctly and you realize you missed out on many valuable leads. Does this sound familiar?

Benefits of Managed Hosting & Site Maintenance

Managed hosting provides expert technical support. This means that you have professionals with in-depth knowledge of the hosting environment ready to assist you with issues or questions. Keeping the content of a website up-to-date is essential for engaging visitors and maintaining relevance. Regularly updating content, such as blog posts, product information, and news, helps to attract and retain visitors, encouraging them to return to the site. Search engines favor websites that are regularly updated and well-maintained. By regularly updating content, fixing broken links, and ensuring proper SEO practices, a website is more likely to rank higher in search engine results, leading to increased visibility. A well-maintained website provides a positive user experience, which is essential for retaining visitors and encouraging them to explore the site further. This includes fixing broken links, updating outdated design elements, and optimizing navigation.

Managed Hosting
Tier 1


For Individuals or Small Businesses

1 Hour of Web Support / Edits / Maintenance Monthly
Hosting Support
Free SSL with Wildcard Support
Bot Protection
Site Monitoring
Dedicated Firewalls
FTP Access
SSH / SFTP Access
Website Backups
Database Backups
Advanced Caching
Server PHP Updates
HTTP/2 Enabled Servers
Staging Environment

Managed Hosting
Tier 2


Small to Mid-Sized Businesses

Up To 2 Hours of Web Support / Edits / Maintenance Monthly
Hosting Support
Free SSL with Wildcard Support
Bot Protection
Site Monitoring
Dedicated Firewalls
FTP Access
SSH / SFTP Access
Website Backups
Database Backups
Advanced Caching
Server PHP Updates
HTTP/2 Enabled Servers
Staging Environment

Managed Hosting
Tier 3


Mid Sized to Larger Corporate Businesses

Up To 4 Hours of Web Support / Edits / Maintenance Monthly
Hosting Support
Free SSL with Wildcard Support
Bot Protection
Site Monitoring
Dedicated Firewalls
FTP Access
SSH / SFTP Access
Website Backups
Database Backups
Advanced Caching
Server PHP Updates
HTTP/2 Enabled Server
Staging Environment
Lets Get Started.

Based in Charlotte, NC, Creative Mantle's goal is to offer clear, well-crafted digital solutions for business owners and individuals seeking professional digital services.

We provide services for small businesses and clients in various sectors, including Commercial Services, Legal Specialists, Financial Agencies, Insurance Agents, Retail, Specialized Labor, and Enterprise Companies.

Business Hours:

Mon: 9AM-4PM EST
Tues: 9AM-4PM EST
Wed: 9AM-4PM EST